Friday, December 10, 2010

I Cooked - Grilled Chicken Parmigiano (Rocco DiSpirito)

I found this recipe for Grilled Chicken Parmigiano. I've always been a fan of Rocco DiSpirito's, I even have his books, but I've never made any of the recipes. I always feel overwhelmed when I open the cookbooks.

The recipe calls for making marinara. Well, that wasn't going to happen. I bought store bought generic organic marinara. And what's the point of buying canned Roma tomatoes then dicing them yourself? I just bought a can of diced tomatoes with Italian herbs. I couldn't find low fat cheese so I used regular cheese, and I wasn't buying new panko crumbs so I just used what I had at home. Yeah, I know I defeated the purpose of this being low-cal, but I'm about convenience.

 I pounded out the chicken the best I could, and seasoned it with salt and pepper:

 I grilled it on my stove top grill:

According to the recipe the grilling should have taken 1.5 minutes per side. I found it took much much much longer.

I then placed the chicken in a dish with marinara, diced tomatoes and basil:

 Then topped with cheese and baked:

 These are the products I used:

When it was done I sprinkled the panko crumbs on top:

I have no idea what purpose the panko crumbs serve, but since the recipe called for them, I put them on. I made a pot of rigatoni since I can't just eat chicken and cheese.

This turned out surprisingly good! You can't go wrong with fresh basil though. Overall this recipe was pretty easy, quick, and tasty. If you have kids you might be able to get them to eat this one.
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