Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snowed In! - Pan Fried Hamburgers

I live in Michigan and we got hit with a winter storm over the weekend. I was stuck inside and had to feed myself. Luckily I had a few provisions on hand.

Ground Beef:

To which I added Worcester Sauce, seasoned bread crumbs, and minced onions. Then I formed patties:

And covered the patties in sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Placed it in the pan with some sliced onions:

while that cooked I toasted a bun in the toaster oven. Once the meat was finished I placed a piece of Swiss cheese on top and everything on the bun:

Surprisingly this turned out much better than I anticipated (ok, so I burned the first pan, but the burger was tasty).

I rarely make burgers at home, mainly because they never taste as good as a restaurant burger, but I have to admit, this one came pretty darned close!

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